Thursday, February 28, 2013


Unbelievable -- Owen is a tween.

Today was a bit of an anti-climax seeing as he had his  dude party Sunday, his parental party Monday, and dude party II last night (Mom is out of town). Still, we managed to pick up some munchkins for the class this morning on the way to school and some classmates wished him a happy birthday today. And Uncle Brendan sent him a nice gift. He vetoed dinner out with Dad for leftovers and more time on the computer. I'm not taking it personally.

Other news: We've had 3-4 rainstorms since the Snowicane Nemo/Charlotte and there's still 6 inches of icy snow crust covering our lawn and 2 foot mounds of icy black snow on every curb.

Also, once I finally bust out the home brewing kit Jason got me for my birthday 2 years ago, the first beer will be called "Malice Brew Ilk." Yes, it's time to pause and plug your name into the anagram maker. It's worth it.


  1. Dominant Lard! or maybe Damn Iran Dolt? A Darn Old Mint? I think Rad Tonal Mind might hit closest to home, though.

  2. I see each of these as good options for when you launch your pro wrestling career
