Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Saturday, August 17, 2013

O gets his groove on

NMS Rock Camp ended on a serious high note. We went from grumblings about how heavy the guitar was to this a week later: http://www.youtube.com/user/parrtar/videos?shelf_index=1&view=0&sort=dd

P.s. their drummer was about 13 I'd guess. The audio here doesn't do it justice but this kid knew all the tricks

Sunday, August 11, 2013

JAMA Internal Medicine article summary author gets a little kooky

"Whereas these guidelines promote use of nonopioid analgesics, avoidance of imaging tests, use of physical therapy–based exercises, and primary care for this population, the results of this analysis demonstrate recent significant decreases for these recommendations. So, in the words of Saturday Night Live character DeAndre Cole played by Kenan Thompson, “What’s up with that?”

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Right on the beach

Sandbridge was a great spot. Well done, Julie and Milissa.
My favorite part was body surfing with Owen. 2nd favorite: shooting the shit with Julie's high school friends. 3rd favorite: volleyball 4th favorite: overeating and drinking (see 2nd favorite) 5th favorite: kayaking 6th favorite: biking on a totally empty beach and the list goes on

Monday, August 5, 2013

R.I.P. Jeremy

Jeremy the gerbil has passed away. New Haven Cravin' readers will recall his arrival was highly anticipated in the Becker/Parr household. His actual tenure here was a perhaps a bit anti-climactic, seeing as he spent most of his days hiding behind a wall of tissue paper he created in his little wooden house. (Lucy, his first "Mom," told us he was a biter and likely carried diseases, so we dared not disturb him in his house.) The best times were when Owen would somehow get Jeremy in his plastic ball to clean the cage and Jeremy might even roll the ball a little.